Monday, January 31, 2011

Your Awkwardness Is Adorable.

What you have now is sufficient, it's good.

Don't be disheartened because life is larger than you think and your breakthrough is near. Don't be disappointed because there's always someone out there waiting to impress you. Don't be sad for you'd be robbing others off an opportunity to see your smile light up the world every time you frown.

Just, what are you afraid of?
You know, it's true people put up walls not to keep people out, but simply to see who cares enough to break them down. Imagine what one small action or word you do or say could change their lives, maybe forever.

I'm really glad JA and I are in the same class, because many times that's what keeps us from giving in to the despair around us, so strong and alluring. Haha, PE today was a funny enough to make our day, and I believe we both know the reason why ;) And seriously my standing board jump sucksss :{ HAHA the centimetres keep dropping as my age increases each year. I want to get my gold again this year. Anything less would be a record breaker and it'd end my jc life on a depressing note. SAD :(

Oh, and I really just wanna thank God for the people in my life. All of them, because they certainly made a difference in my life one way or another. Meeting Lynn last Friday was one of the main highlights of my January 2011. I missed her like, mad. Heeheehee and as usual we give each other the best therapies ever. The HEART therapy. Heh :}


PS, meeting Xiaofei tomorrow and I can't wait ekdinjwodnwe394u234799999! :)

PSS, I feel sad for Fernando..... :( I pray with all my heart that whatever decision he makes would turn out for the best for him and he'd be as happy as he was when he first arrived at Anfield. I got a feeling he would certainly leave Liverpool, and my heart's breakingggggg just at the thought of it, but that doesn't change how much I love him okokkok. Okay thanks bye.

PSSS, I'm NOT obssessed with him. Yeahyeahyeah okay really, bye.

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