Friday, January 7, 2011

I've Got Dreams to Remember

"At this moment there are six billion, five hundred and two million, eight hundred and sixty seven thousand, one hundred and twenty people in the world, give or take a few and sometimes all you need is one. For better or for worse."

We always fail to appreciate and grasp on tight to the things and people always there for us, and those are what truly matter. We keep looking past that to something that may seem more posh, and unattainable from where we stand. The more we want it, the further away we are from it, the greater our desire and drive to work towards it. We now have a reason to push ourselves, even when times are difficult.. because we tell ourselves one day, just one day, we'll get there. But you know, there's no need for all that. Futile attempts and superfluous efforts are not what God wants for us. We don't need to rely on ourselves. We don't dream to live or live to dream. We just have them. And if those dreams are not in God's plans for us, then we just gotta dream bigger. Because, God's will for us is definitely greater. Majestic, wonderful.

But then, I know for now, I do have dreams. Dreams that are so beautiful, and I pray one day I'll fulfill them, if they are God's will for me. If not, at least I dreamt.

These few days had me hanging by a thread. Although I know things will be reconciled eventually, I just thank God for the support He provided me with. Haha, the few of them know who they are! And even though they couldn't do much for me, face it because we all have our own problems :( but, knowing that they care and they are praying for me made me feel a whole lot better. Still, I wish for more happy days to come. I know it'd have to start with myself. More of others, less of myself. More humility, less pride. More forgiveness, less resentment.

Okay so happy things!

MY DREAMS(THE LIST; not according to importance):
1. Travel the world.
2. Open an orphanage.
3. Have a mini library in my future home!

Heehee yeppppp. Anyway, I know I posted this picture on my tumblr but... I can't resist it hahaha!

Jake Jagielski from One Tree Hill!

I totally love his character in that show. Seriously, I doubt I'll meet someone AS SWEET AS HIM. :( HAHA okay I don't mean it that way, I know my friends are really sweet and all but, well... it's different. You know what I mean teehee! :} His love for Peyton... awww. Even when he knew she truly loves Lucas, he still loved her with a heart like that. Okay, just all in all, I LOVE HIS CHARACTER. And him haha! Sigh, why can't he continue acting through the rest of seasons 4,5,6,7,8... if he did, I'll probably watch all the way. Haha, and now that Peyton still likes Lucas I foresee a NO-happy ending just yet. And Lucas is not gonna act in Season 8? Oh man. Which means, Brooke is not gonna end up with him. Sighhhhh. Why can't Peyton stick to JAKE(awwww!) and Lucas BE with Brooke. HAHAHA okay I'm gonna stop harping on it kkkkk. Enough is enough lol lol lol.

Fernando Torres is a whole other story. He's still in my heart, although this season has been a tragedy for him :( Love him still! Liverpool, it's not over yet I don't care.

Someone once told me, there's nothing wrong with fairytales because they always have happy endings. But sometimes, that's the problem. Life is not like that.

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