Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chase This Light

Once in a long while, we get happy days.

Today was one of them. Did I ever say how much I love Saturdays? Well I think there were better times, but I definitely want to thank God for bringing me such a wonderful Saturday again. You know, I always think it's the people that matters. You can be doing the same mundane tasks which are the most boring things on earth ever, or be going through the worst time of your life, or even be stranded on an island... but with the correct people, nothing else counts. :)

I like to blog about happy things. And I realised it's been quite some time since I did. Anyway, yesterday was God's way of granting me more rest, even though I had to bear with the pain in my head and the bad stomachache which were quite tormenting at certain periods. But thank God I'm feeling much better today, and was able to go for YF even though I have 5 tests next week, including GP! Boo :( I really dread school nowadays, but I shall not elaborate... why waste my wondrous weekends dwelling in miserable school days when I have the next five days to worry about them, and the next five, and the next, for the REST OF THE YEAR... HAHA, but then again, it actually isn't that bad. I guess only some aspects made me cringe at the thought of them, but I shall not name them here. Whatever befalls me, I have God.

SO ANYWAY, went for YF today and had the chance to catch up with a few people. I thank God for them, really, because they keep me sane in a world of madness. Haha, and on top of that, I managed to talk to some of the LTFers, especially the younger ones like Christine, Jamie, and it really brightens my mood up to just be around them. Hahaha, and no I'm not a pedophile thank you lol lol lol. Seriously kids cheer me up so easily, and I wonder why. Fascinating. Hmm, and spending time with Nadia was great too because it simply reminds me of the fact that I'm not alone and no matter how tough things are, WE are not alone. Yep, just makes me miss the December holidays more. Oh well, at least we HAD those beautiful experiences together! :}

Oh and for reasons I don't know, I think Caritas was really funny at the most unexpected times today. HAHA, like we were playing Mono deal and when one of us said something stupid and I turned to my left and look at her I just burst out laughing. I mean, totally ludicrous! LOL. Hmm what else, oh yeah and Huixian kept suaning me, but what's new... she's a traitor haha!! Oh and Nadia and I went to talk to Joel Lim about specific issues and we made him feel sucha horrible person bwahhaa, but he knows we truly care and that's alright I guess heeheehee!
You know, when you mix around more with the people you love, you start to want to cherish them more.. because somehow you know they are treasures in disguise. And at this instant I thought of a quote written by unknown. But I shall not put it down here because I'll definitely get arrowed at AGAIN! >:[

Okay 14 of us went to Quiznos at Square 2 to eat and it was really a fine dinner. Haha there was so much laughter I momentarily forgot about having to face all unpleasantness when the new week starts again, and thank God for that. :) DESPITE being mocked like there's no tomorrow, even though it's highly impossible since there will always be a tomorrow (for now) and I will always be the joke, I still enjoyed having fellowship with them. Haha, well I know they know deep deep deep down inside me I'm just the opposite from what they think I am. Hmm.. for example, I'm actually mature, sweet, smart, and so not a failure. Yep. LOL okay I'm dead if they see this hahahaha.

And so far I think I still have Nadia and Amoz on MY side. LOL. Haha, and I could have had Bob-my new friend- speaking up for me IF they had not turned him against me grrrr. Hahaha, evil friends. Oh and did I say, they used my name as a term for FAIL. HOW SAD IS THAT, as if my life isn't sad enough!!

It's okay, I shall forbear. HAHA!

HAHA. But truly, I thank God for showing such love and great mercy to me so undeserved. And I thank God for having them in my life. Well, let's just say they spice up my life teehee! :} Okay, so anyway I know I'll have to face the snares of the monster named "Hopeless" and "Spitefulness" when I go back to school on Monday, so I'm relying on God's strength to sustain me and help me through all of it. I pray the same for any of you who might be going through the exact horrible things and are desperately clinging to hope. God's hope.

Because God is love, the most important lesson He wants you to learn on
earth is how to love.
- Rick Warren

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