Sunday, January 30, 2011

Running To Stand Still

If not now, then when?

There's a time for everything. And now, it's time for work. No more dramas and dreams and wishful thinking. No, at least not for now. I can't believe it's already the end of January, it still feels as if yesterday it was New Year's Eve and we were all at Sandra's playing mono deal. Even better, it feels like yesterday was Christmas. Or even Yf camp. But nah, moments pass, time is ticking away and life is too short.

I was speaking with someone today over msn and he expressed great bewilderment over how certain aspect of my life remained unchanged and it just got me thinking, yeah.. why? You know, it gets so hard sometimes.

I walk down the roads and I see crowds of people passing by, and suddenly it dawned upon me how I've wasted days and weeks and months hoping for that which is not meant for me. I was just too stubborn to let go because I was afraid of being alone. I wasn't sure I'd be strong enough. And I'm still not sure. But, truth be told I'm weary of all of it. I'm done. I keep searching and believing, and yet here am I, stuck at the same spot. Perhaps feeling dumber than ever. But now I'm placing my trust in God alone.

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