Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cryin' Won't Help You Now

There are too many things to be thankful for. :)

The one devastating news I receive today, with regards to Fernando Torres my dearest.. and I shall not blog about it right now. I'm still sore and wounded. And way too much to be logical about this whole nightmare I'd probably never wake up from.

So even though I was really upset, one thing that cheered me up a whole great deal was MEETING XIAOFEI IN THE AFTERNOON/EVENING! Hahaha even though we didn't talk about soccer at all, she managed to brighten up the rest of my day so well. I really thank God for letting us cross paths, and helping us become a confidant to each other in a considerably short period of time. You know, we're kinda telepathic. Oh yeah totally haha :}

We have SO much in common it's just warm, you know. Okay so anyway we chilled out at Charlie Brown's (so cute bwahaha) and had our first official hthts that was deeply appreciated, truly. I'm already looking forward to our next date haha. But it's okay 'cause abscence makes the heart grow fonder. Her heart better be, teehee! I promised her to hone my cooking skills for the next time we meet and hmmm, I WILL TRY. :D Oh, and her art and sketches just blow me away alrightzxzxz. Even though I doubt she thinks so herself. :) Okay so anyway we both bought shoes and we were both so psyched after that heh. Love her! Thank God for His wonderful blessings, for giving me greater-than-great friends like Lynn and Xiaofei, who understand me from the deepest of my heart.

Hmm anyway, we parted ways around 7-ish. Then after realising Liza was at Taka TOO(because I was there at that point of time I called her), we met and went home together! Haha, since her parents were at my place, so she came home with me to go home with them. Aww, we had a nice, sweet, "BADASS" journey way back home HAHAHA.

Oh right, tomorrow's CNY eve and so Happy Chinese New Year everyone. I hope SA CNY celebration will be kickass and not bore me to death :{ Haha, and Lee JA, if you're reading this... please be in a good mood tomorrow it'd make life GREAT for the both of us bwahaha! ;) You know what I mean huh. Anyway, you know I'm so glad to have you by my side and listening to all woes and joy and weird or simply idiotic stories in life, right? Haha yeah, see ya tomorrow babe.

Goodbye and goodnight!

It's hard to find the heart.

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