Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Day on a Brand New Planet

Haha I like this photo! :) HAHA JOSIAH TAN ACT CUTE!

Pretty photo!

Forced Deal. Sly Deal. Deal breaker. JUST SAY NO!

Caritas and Mel, hahaha GREEN like how C'tas loves it!

Hahaha. Okay here's the story: this was the ideal photo Josiah wanted...
And on the first try, the photo turned out like that! (Tim Loe blocked Joshua Chia out completely hahaha) So original huh teehee! :}


This was last year, the last day of 2010... which was just 24hrs ago? Yepppp! :} I don't know for the others but it totally felt like Christmas for me! Haha. Anyway, we photo spammed after Watchnight Service, and went to Sandra's house to hang out after that. I really had fun and even though my parents didn't allow me to stay over, I only went back around 3am going 4am. HAHA, and surprisingly they didn't say anything.. so good for me! Maybe I should just have taken both JoshuaS' advice and stayed there until 7am before leaving. HAHA kiddingggggg! Yeah although my throat is experiencing the after effects of explosion from too much junk food, I'm grateful to have spent my last and first day of 2010 and 2011 respectively with such wonderful friends. Thank God! I pray the year 2011 will just be another affirmation of God's love and bountiful grace for us.

It was a remarkable day for me, definitely. You know, it's comforting to know you have genuine friends who are there when you need them to, especially so when you see them finding time just for you. When you know you have friends like that, hold on to them tight. Because they are God's way of telling you He cares for you and He loves you.

But then again, like man, I'm afraid of being vulnerable. I'm scared of needing someone too much, too often. I'm scared of relying too much on someone and realise in the end we are left alone. I'm scared of seeing people leave and never come back into my heart. I'm scared of betrayal and superficials. I'm scared of trusting and cherishing, but at the same time I'm scared of losing them and regretting. Where do we draw the line? How do I know when I'm reading too much into it? I guess that's when we try to be still and let God take the wheel.

I was looking through some of the photographs I developed today, and something someone said today came into my mind. Instantly my heart beat and it all came back to me. It was never over. My heart sank knowing that's all that can ever be. The wrong idea.

Okokokok. This is NOT an emo post bwahaha. I shall place my hope in the Lord and embrace 2011 with a benign attitude. :)

Blessed New Year 2011 everyone!

"Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone. And do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."

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