Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let It Happen

And so as much as the road ahead will be rough and rocky, uncertain and testing, I'm not gonna let all world's pessimists win. I will stay strong and press toward the mark, just like what God desires for all His children.

I can't change the things that happen, we all can't. But we can change and decide how we wanna react to it. So, let them happen and let us live by faith.

"Let us then ascribe the whole work of grace to the pleasure of God's will.
God did not choose us because we were worthy, but by choosing us He makes us
." ~ Thomas Watson

Highlight of the day: I played Volleyball with the Volleyballers and almost wished I joined Volleyball instead of Basketball. For all sorts of reasons. :)

LOL. But if I did, maybe things would be different, too. Strange things in life huh? But in any case, I'm really beat from being so occupied the whole day, without proper rest at all. I kinda, really, miss my December holidays. Or how about my November, staying-home-to-chill-moments? Sigh, because yeah there's always a time for everything. Now's the time for diligence and as disgusting as it sounds, we just gotta submit ourselves to discipline and the willpower to do the right things, at the right time. Well, the Lord gives us rest and He will restore us.

Run, and not be weary.

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