Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Awake Is The New Sleep.

If yesterday I barely survived, today I definitely did.

We are 18 days into 2011, and there's still 300 odd more days. Not bad.

I was doing maths yesterday when I fell asleep and woke up only 4 hrs later, at 2am. Funny, I was still online. So, I logged out and went back to sleep thinking I could do the rest the next day(today). So I woke up happily intending to go for a run with Priya and Gen in school when Jia Ai called me and reminded me about GP MSA. And I totally forgot about it oh my goodness. Hahaha BUT I thank God so much because I managed to do last minute preparation during GP lecture and yeah to a certain extent (HUGE) it saved me. Or else, I would be staring at the 4 questions blankly, for 90mins. Seriously. Haha. And btw my mind went blank for 15mins before I started writing, and my 'very considerate classmates' just made it worse with annoying sound effects and murmurs. HAHA.

But anyway, because there was no training today, I was(still am) so gleeful LOL! And I just received a great news. Training is cancelled tomorrow yesssss! Well, but there's extra training on Friday so not much difference I guess. We just get to study more, so for that I shall be thankful, too. :} Yup so anyway ate lunch with Jia Ai in school before Nat joined us later on. And in the course I managed to finish my maths assignment while the guys were being their annoying usual self. Haha, Arvind and Andy refused to let my opinions on certain matters be valid, tsk such realistic and horrible people! But I got back at him after Jia Ai and I spotted an Andy lookalike HAHA :D And yeah, I miss that purple dinosaur so much, she lightens up the whole convo so easily and with her, there's always someone siding with me and against JA HEEHEE. Okay but we all had a great laugh. Oh, and the book signing haha :}

CSE MSA tomorrow, Econs and History on Thurs, Maths on Friday.
God keep me sane and give me strength! :)

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