Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Game Must Go On

"There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment who will you be? Will you let down your defenses, and find solace in someone unexpected? Will you reach out? Will you face your greatest fear bravely? And move forward with faith. Or will you succumb to the darkness in your soul?"

I'm so tired of constantly trying, and failing. At times like these, I'm so tempted to join the crowd and complain about life. But I can't and I won't. Because I have my Lord and I know He provides. I can repeat this forever but the meaning these words hold never diminishes or lessens by the day. If anything, God's promises should seem more and more real every moment.

Trust not in man but in God. See, isn't this exactly the reason why we always tend to get hurt by people whom we trusted in so much but turned out to be on the other side of the door, opposite from us? We were only told to trust, and have faith, in the Almighty Father, our Saviour and Lord. And yes, nobody ever said it was gonna be easy. God never said it'd be easy. But it will be if we rely on His strength. And so that's my prayer for a long time to come.

As for the people not worth holding on to, you should let them go and not feel any tinge of sadness for it's just pure foolishness. And pause for a while, slow down, and rush not into anger or vengeance. Payback's not in our hands. Don't be so eager to prove them wrong. Remember, you have God.

"When life comes rushing at you from our of the darkness, who will you choose to face it with? Will it be someone you trust? Will they be wise? And will their love for you help them to guide you to the light? Or will they lose their way in the darkness? Will they make noble choices? Or will that person be someone untested, someone new? Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness, when it does -- is there someone in your life you can count on? Someone who will watch over you when you stumble and fall? And in that moment, give you the strength to face your fears alone?"

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