Tuesday, February 15, 2011


"Live each season as it passes, breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each."

I'm really thankful for such a laughable and joyous day. When you have had your (un)fair share of moody days, you know your happy days are round the corner. So don't sink too deep into the emoness, 'cause then you wouldn't know how to live in the moment when that time comes. Haha, I've grown to appreciate the littlest things in my life recently, and I guess that's one of the reasons God gives us trials- to teach us contentment and joy.

So anywayyyyy, (wait let me laugh) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I finally broke my horrendous record of spitting food/water while laughing too hard, by spattering water at Boon Siang's face omg!! (I'm so, so, so, so, sorry TBS!) HHAHA BUT HIS REACTION WAS SO EPIC I (WE) COULDN'S STOP LAUGHING FOR THE NEXT MINUTE LOL!(and I still had water in my mouth, which was dripping all over haha!) I felt horrible, HONESTLY, but he wasn't helping. And Syafikah's laughter was so contagious I couldn't stop bursting out hysterically heehee.

And that was after we had another interesting and humorous session of GP with Mr. R. hahaa(even though it was so much funnier the previous time) I kinda really like his lessons and believe it or not, I'm looking forward to the next GP period! :D Oh well, it's not gonna be for long sigh. But then again memories do count, so we should all be satisfied with greatness looking back in future. Heh :}

I love it when I end school early and have nothing on for the rest of the day. That feeling, is invigorating and I cherish them the most. Today was one such day, just that I had to go for tuition after school which was not really a pleasure, but definitely beneficial. Haha the main point is, to top it off, Jia Ai, Boon Siang and I left school together and they accompanied me for a short while before it was time for tuition. It lasted approximately an hour, but the best I've had in a few days. Haha short BUT exceptionally sweet. Hilarious ttm! And yes JA, I want more of such days, definitely one of my most treasured moments. :)

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