Sunday, February 13, 2011

Show Me How to Live

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; what we leave behind is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

I can't help but to admit, it's getting harder to believe in anything, anyone.

Last Friday 10A03 had their best GP lesson ever. Hilarious, insightful, gratifying. It was a lesson worthy to be remembered, and to look forward to again. Haha, a pity it won't last. We all had to come to terms with someone's uncontrollable, never-ending farts and somehow it never fails to disgust us even though we all know we'd have to get used to it sooner or later. Mr Randy's reaction rocks socks. Hahaha!!

"Just Go With It" was really funny and extremely sweet. Haha, oh well what can I say.. Jennifer Aniston!! :D Watching it with Lynnie was a bonus because it just adds on to the fun heehee. BBF NO.1 xoxo. Haha she's a spastic ball of delight and she brings smiles to my face, and I don't know what I'd do without her. Maybe in return, Lynnie, I should "BUY YOU POPCORN" HAHAHA! Anyway, she's one of the few people I can study with and be comfortable enough NOT to be distracted. :)

It's Valentine's tomorrow and this time of the year brings back fond memories from last year. I remembered how romantic and awesome it was to spend CNY and Valentine's Day in Paris last year. The best. I don't know why, but there's within me a mixture of feelings. Anyway, I look forward to a pleasant day tomorrow and a peaceful week ahead! And hey JA, you have the privilege to be my V-date tomorrow since you'd be spending the most time with me, so I fathom you'd be anything but unhappy. Hmmmmm, maybe really psyched and excited? HEEHEE prove me right! :}

Someone help me, I'm struggling. It seems as if the sky keeps getting darker and gloomier. And I can't find my way back. And it's not getting any better because the vision's getting blurred, and clouded with pain and sadness. Suddenly I think I'm not lost.. I'm running away. I'm avoiding. But I'm still scared, and I'm still struggling.

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