Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We Change, We Wait.

"Pain is like a thief in the night. Quiet. Persistent. Unfair. Diminished by time and faith and love."

People always change. Things change.

What is the measure of trust, of genuine friendship, of true relationships? These days I keep hearing voices and echoes proclaiming how feelings will never stay the same, and that nobody, nothing, is worth our complete reliance and trust. How do you know you can trust when you see the doubt in her eyes, the uncertainty, the holding back? Then again, if what is true today isn't tomorrow, then in the first place, none of that matters because none of it were real.

I keep questioning if I should change, if I'm good enough, if I have to strive harder, do more. But if at the end of the day it wasn't me who changed, and it wasn't you, then what did, or who did?

Why can't everyone live life happily?
BECAUSE we all want different things and we are all pursuing them in a wrong way, with a wrong motive. But, if only.

You know despite all that I'm feeling now, I know that my faith in Christ will bring me through all of it. Maybe time will tell, maybe trials will reveal the answers and bring us into the light, but ultimately God has our lives in His hands. :)

Peyton to Brooke: "Life's too short Brooke, to fight, to be miserable....... to let the bitter ones change how awesome you are."

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