Saturday, February 5, 2011

We've got a life to live.

Your strength is inspiring. My strength comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.

The sea isn't immense, life is. Yet we go through with it everyday, we face it everyday. So really, why are we still afraid?

You know, slowly, we grow tired and weary of searching, of trusting, of hoping. Then we let go and leave it be. We may start to realise it's so much easier that way, we don't get tormented or crushed as much anymore. We just do what we gotta do. You know those dark moments, no matter how hopeless they may seem, will eventually come to pass. Because we have this confidence in God which is sufficient to keep us going even if we may have.. nothing and nobody with us.

When you're starting to feel numb towards all those setbacks lashing out at you, please just make sure your tender heart of love doesn't grow cold. Keep it warm, faithful, and fill it with joy. Because otherwise, it will be so, very, tragic.

I want to live my life according to God's will, and that should be enough to see me through the rest of this journey on earth. And come what may, all praise and glory to God. Along with His blessings are my thanksgivings and along with trials I am or might be facing in life, comes my constantly strengthened faith in the Lord.

God knows our fears, and right now He knows mine. I'm afraid of growing numb to all the bad things happening around me, and gradually even towards the possibly good things I still possess. But at the same time, sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to be indifferent and disinterested in my surroundings. Because this way, I can protect myself and I won't feel hurt so easily.

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