Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Somewhere a Clock is Ticking

"Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not. Time takes it all, time bears it away.. and in the end.. there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness, and sometime we lose them there again."

Sometimes I wanna go back to that very moment, sometimes I just wanna move on. But at the end of the day, all we want is just to immerse ourselves in those elated moments again, and know how it feels to be... happy. But they say happiness never lasts. This, we all grow to learn.

Sentosa outing today wasn't too bad, and thank God it didn't rain for the most part. But you know that weird feeling that keeps pulling your heartstrings and refuse to dissipate? Yeah, emptiness. It doesn't matter because nobody knows. It doesn't matter because I still look happy, I still try to be. It doesn't even matter because, even if I expose myself, nobody can change anything, or nothing. But it sure brings back memories, it brings back hopes and dreams and expectations, and it brings back disappointments. It's probably inevitable, a part of life. At times like these I keep reminding myself, to cling on to my Lord.

It will all come to pass. I just await the day I'll look back and laugh at my stupidity. Haha.

Okay and now, not to forget....


It's 4 more mins to the end of your birthDAY, but the beginning of another year for you. I'm sure it has been tough on you this year, just like many, experiencing the ups and downs of the JC life. BUT, don't fret because 10 years down the road, you'll look back and realise that this is a tiny weeny part of your entire life ahead! And so all the pain and stress you're going through now shouldn't hinder you from creating beautiful memories for yourself. Oh and yeah, the academic part. That's really dampening BUT know what, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger hahaha! Okok anyway, I'm more than thankful for a friend like you because you laugh with me when nobody else does, at least in this horrible class filled with horrible babis like *cough cough* JA and ARVS and sometimes meanie Deaf Knee and fierce Pling and retarded Josiah. HAHA. And I love your spastic moments, honest. I'll keep it short because SHORT is COOL, but just love you for who are. I pray you'll have a blessed year ahead and for the many years to come! Blessed 17th :}

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