Friday, December 24, 2010

Something I Can Never Have.

Fatigue is the new medicine.

Christmas, the astounding and marvelous occasion which holds the meaning of love, joy, and peace. How simple, yet obscure to those who are lost. The spirit and joy of sharing, giving, loving... all fading away with each passing year, replaced by secular concepts. But the friends are still there, families maybe, and most importantly, having Christ as the center of our focus and emphasis.

Spending half the day at Vivo was more than fulfilling, because I get to spend time with people I love and at the same time, make them realise their importance. That's what really matters, no? Showing love to those you love before time runs out. We keep thinking it never will, but the truth is time always runs out before we even notice.

Anyway, I hope Nat really enjoyed herself today! I think Jia Ai and I both enjoyed ourselves too haha! Ohhh yeah, the pictures. Bwahaha another time, SOON. :D

You know, it never lasts. That feeling, which so often crowds into my mind so easily. I start to wonder if that's even bona fide. And the time which is slowly ticking away is giving me a clearer answer with each passing second. Deception. Either that, or it's genuine... but I can never have it.

"And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be or lose that person completely.

Because sometimes you have to step outside the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be. The person you wanted to be. The person you are."

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand your post!!!! ): Tell meee. Anyway, yes I enjoyed myself! TEEEHEEE, Photos photos photosss! :P
