Monday, December 20, 2010


"Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: Many people die with their music still IN them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live...Before they know it...time runs out."

People like me never get it, and people like you don't care.

It's a scary, intricate process when you push others beyond their limit to the point of no return. They may turn cold, bitter, ruthless, and defensive, even hostile. But at the end of the day it's all because of you, in spite of all denial. When that time comes, and the severity dawns upon you, it's too late because after trying so hard to be someone else, it's almost impervious to be themselves all over again. You might not comprehend, but the guilt remains forever. It may fade with time, but it's still there. It takes eternity to compensate.

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