Monday, December 6, 2010

Break a leg.

All is said and done, I just wanna thank God for the good weather, for Lynn and my safety before, during, and after the run, as well as helping us complete 21.1km in 3hours considering how both of us never ran more than 10km before :)

Haha I wanted to say a whole lot more I'm really drained now, and there's training(AND training which I totally forgot!! :() tomorrow which just means I gotta sleep early. More details on tumblr teehee! But in a nutshell, I'm so glad I was running with Lynn Toh the Rubbish Woman. Haha seriously, she contributed to 90% of the fun I had during the run. Thanks so much girl, though I doubt you'd be reading this here but yeahhhhh love you!

We were supposed to go out after the Stand Chart Run but "due to circumstances"(HAHA) we had a total change of plans. Haha so in the end I went for lunch with my church friends at guess where- yes Thai Express AGAIN. Haha on a side note, Ryan was hilarious! Okay btw JA if you're reading this, I'm gonna save money from tomorrow(today-since it's past 12am heeheehee) onwards promise lol lol lol (your favourite -.-)

The fact that their attitudes vary towards person to person, judging and building ties based on superficial attributes disgust me to the core. I'm sorry but I thought you were different. It's always better to look at the irreproachable side of a person, but what happens when that just gives you one more chance to feel disconcerted in the existence of compassion because you realise they are totally far from that? It's mediocre. Why do people always think of themselves first? Even perhaps, the friends around us. I don't dare say I'm not one of them, because man is after all, sinful. I just don't want to be part of this group of uncaring, fake human race. And I know with God will empower me to the right things, simply because God is love. While these people, just want love without knowing or wanting to love.

To love or to be loved? Someone asked me this last night. Just a simple question, but it evoked thoughts from the past. I discovered for myself, it is happier to be loved -perhaps the happiest feeling in the world- but more blessed to love. But then again, who wouldn't want to be loved?

What do you want most in your life right now? Answers, maybe.

Stay away from all that remove God's first place in your heart.

"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It's yours."
-Ayn Rand, from Atlas Shrugged

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