Monday, December 6, 2010

Once upon a time can happen any time.

I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone.

I've always loved fairytales and happy endings. Maybe that's because I find them so rare in reality, almost... impossible. If only A Cinderella Story is the story of my life. Loyal, unbelivably great friends, warm family, true love, splendid moments and unforgettable experiences all together. No matter how tough life gets, I'll be able to face it with constantly renewed strength, stay hopeful, and look at the good of people. If only. Maybe.

But I'm not gonna place my hope in nothingness and fantasies. I'm hoping in the Lord, my Lord. Because if that's the plan I think is best for myself, God's plan for me far exceeds that. Majestic, astounding, the best.

At least for now, I know I have great friends. Not many, but those few very, treasured friends I have. I'm blessed. :)

Austin: You need a wax.
Sam: Excuse me?
Austin: [laughs] I meant the car

HAHA! Just to end off with something funny heehee (like what JA said in one of her posts;) )

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