Sunday, December 19, 2010

Burning Hearts and Late Night Biscuits.

Monday. I was more than an hour late haha, and it was really embarrassing because almost everyone knew that. I was still sleeping when Tabby called me! Haha, good thing there's Nadia and she was late too heehee. So anyway, the first day everything was alright, but the message was really worth reflecting upon. To Be in Christ is to Burn for Christ. Timely reminder.

Tuesday. The younger ones in my dorm woke up so much earlier than I did when they slept so much later. And apparently Mags, Charmaine, Ashley and a few of the older ones didn't sleep that well because they were making so much noise. Haha, well kids being kids. Anywayyyy, Ashley told me I fell asleep as soon as the lights went out and slept like a log all the way till I woke up the next morning. And I was the last to wake up hahaha. Thank God for the undisturbed rest! :D The 2nd message was to Grow in Christ to Burn for Christ. It was a really great message, because it kinda woke me up with painful realisations, and made up my mind to consecrate my life to the Lord once again. Okay anyway, it was this day I'm officially known as Mulan thanks to Nadia. Now everyone's calling me Mulan, simply because they THINK i'm guyish, which hmm isn't true at all. Haha weird people, what else can I say haha! Anyway, we went for prayer meeting at night and had Dorm D proper after that, which was gratifying. It is unbelievable how the kids could touch my heart so much with such their earnest, truthful thoughts and confessions. Really encouraging.

Wednesday. The message was Walk with Christians to Burn for Christ, which mainly focuses on the importance of fellowship and encouraging each other with Christ as the center of our conversation and various activities. But I guess the two highlights of the day for me and many others were the Love in Action Workshop, as well as the Night Games. We watched this video on how this guy was so gracious, loving, and forgiving towards his good friend whom he has been helping all along, but in the end killed his daughter in a hit-and-run car accident. Truly, it wouldn't have been possible without God's grace and power. You know, even as Christians, who can confidently say of the assurance to forgive someone whom has hurt us thoroughly? But we can, because we have God and the Holy Spirit in us. Okay anyway, after this workshop which involves many other small games and one of which required us to paint each other's faces, Nadia and I went to the 4th floor toilet to clean up. It was a really good thing that we did because through this, God helped us to open up and we got to know each other on a deeper level. I'm quite sure the we never apprehended us to be this close because all along, we thought we knew each other when the fact is, we didn't. But I sincerely thank God for this opportunity we had that day to share with one another, and learn things we never knew before. It brought joy into my heart because finally, I think someone understands a part of me I never dared to share. I thank God with all my heart :) Yep and Night Games- Peter's Walk- really struck me and made me meditate on God's word and contemplate over how sinful and estranged I've been in my walk with Him this whole year. My heart sobbed, just as how Peter did after denying Christ. I finally understood the wrong I've done was so similar to what Peter did, and I'm in no right to judge his flaws because I'm just the same as he is, or even worse. Can you imagine how God could love sinners like us, so filthy and repulsive? So much so that He even washed the feet of His disciples. I finally felt how undeserving I am that very night.

Thursday. The last message was, To Live for Christ is to Burn for Christ. Short and sweet. Obeying Christ is a part of loving Him, and by living the Christian life as much as we don't want to, is the only way to have a burning heart for God. It doesn't work the other way. So anyway, we went caroling at the LK home for elderly, and it was a wholesome experience because we went in the name of the Lord. After that, we got back to church and started the wet games, which obviously include water bombs. Haha, it was this day too that I got to know many of the kids so much more! I mean of course, I did talk to them the past few days but on a personal level, not really. So this day, I did and trust me, I felt the happiest I've ever been for months! Christine and Jamie Tan are really cute, heehee and everytime Christine smiles my heart just goes awwww. Haha and I think I expressed this feeling to so many of them they are calling me a phedophile! HAHA but who cares right. Anyway Mags H had to lend Christine her shorts because she didn't have an appropriate one for water games, and even though Mags is so skinny, her shorts were still too loose for Christine so she had to wear double pants! HAHA, then we went down and Christine said she needed to go to the toilet and we burst out laughing again. How cute heh!! Anywayyyy, it was the last night so after dinner where there were so much savory food, we had Special Night where the photo montage by Charles was shown, testimonies were shared, and everyone undoubtedly reflected on what they learn through this camp. It was edifying I shall say, and I know I did learn a lot. From people, from myself, from the camp, through God's word and prompting. Truth be told, I didn't want to go at first, for various reasons. But I thank God I did. Yup, so btw Nadia shared her testimony for the first time, and I thank God for that. We sang Thank You Lord twice, the second time requested by Nadia. It was partly because we were talking about it before she went up to share her testimony, about how this song actually holds a different meaning for us this year. It is surprising how we always sing this song, but this year, it touched our hearts incommunicable ways. She had to go home to catch a flight to Chiang Rai the next day, so I walked her out to get a cab with Timo and Chris. Hmm, then I joined the rest at room 1-6. There was Ashley, Joanne, Jaime Lau, Jaime Tan, Marc, Zech, Nicholas, Timo and others and haha, we were all singing hymns that feeling was great. BUT, even after 2hrs they didn't stop and Ashley and I were so tired and our throats were gonna crack we went up to our dorm. The kids weren't asleep and we started entertaining them even though we were all so gonna collapse from fatigue. Haha but I didn't regret it the least bit because... they were all so cute in their own ways, and really LOL hilarious! Ashley, Jaime and I decided to make them play charades, because that way, we could just watch them act and not do anything LOL. I can't find words to describe how fun it was, but I'm so glad for such an experience with them. Memorable. Okay then at 3 going 4am, they were hungry so Ashley and I sneaked pau and small flower biscuits up for them and they gobbled them up in no time. Haha little goblins! Okay don't make sense heehee. Yeah anyway, Christine slept beside me on the last night and before sleeping we had pillow talk, which according to Ashley was cute bwahaha! Good thing for Christine, she's a heavy sleeper and so was I (a.k.a LOG by Ashley HAHA!) so, no qualms about us sleeping side by side!

Even though I didn't manage to spend time with Tab Lee, I'm glad I came. It makes me want to cherish the time we can spend together in future even more. And I'm thankful I was able to talk to Rachel in so many occasions during the camp because we hardly have time to catch up during the normal days. And singing carols with her was really pleasant. Getting to catch up with the others made me really contented too. Yeah there's so many other little things which made me really happy but I'm so tired right now I shall stop. Some things are precious only when kept in the heart xoxo!

I really thank God for these five days, it was simply unforgettable.

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32

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