Saturday, February 11, 2012


Moments like these, totally priceless.

Yet at that point of time I never knew such victorious days were gonna be so short-lived. It never occurred to me that two out of three of my favourite Liverpool players were gonna change their shirts and transfer to two different teams respectively. Two teams that I don't fancy at all.

Why Torres left I will probably never know and this will forever remain a mystery to me. I absolutely refuse to believe it's the freaking lucrative pay that did it, yah okay but who am I to decide right? Anyhow, many Liverpool fans (hardcore ones) have probably moved on long, long, long, long, long ago from the phase of facing disappointment (and maybe to some, betrayal) and have long decided that Fernando isn't worthy to be kept anyway (disputable in my opinion but it doesn't matter since nothing's gonna bring him back), but his time in Liverpool along with the players then, will be the best and most beautiful picture of LFC in my memory. Of course he's not what Liverpool's all about, of course. But back then- ok never mind. Moving on.

Xabi is probably another great player that everyone love and undoubtedly, I WANT HIM BACK. That's wishful thinking but the main point is, I'll always, always, and always miss him wearing the Reds shirt. And it definitely applies to Fernando as well.

The Liverpool vs Man Utd game today was a torture to watch. In between hoping that Liverpool will start playing decently and gaining possession, my mind drifted to a few years back and I can't help recalling the 2008-2009 Liverpool team. It saddens me how different I felt watching every single game then as compared to how much I don't feel watching Liverpool matches now. In the past, I honestly always expect a win and a good win over every team we play with. Right now I just hope with all my heart they start playing like how they used to. Sigh, looks like this season that's not very possible. Despite everything though, I really admire the Liverpool spirit which I know will never cease regardless of what others say. Really, those opinions are redundant. I personally feel that there are potential players in Liverpool currently and yeah I do like most of them, but.. oh well it just feels different. :(

Okay and seeing Gerrard play still touches me because he just gives his all in every game and well, RESPECT.

Suarez, I feel you. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions. I choose to believe him. But really, he was sucha badass today hahahah!

Okay laa I still love you Liverpool, haha definitely. :) The condemning rest can just go away.


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