Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Somebody, Yes I Do

Love somebody, yes I do.
Love somebody, yes I do.
Love somebody, yes I do.
Love somebody but I won't tell who.

Haha, such a cute children's song.

Tonight was great, totally made up for a tiresome day at work hehe. Short and sweet time spent with Nat and JA. I think I make the best cards hahahaha. It's so cute I can't stand it, exactly like how kids decorate their cards. Ok the two of them are probably on the verge of puking already. LOL. Anyway, it's really, I mean really, a pity that DaphLsm and Pling couldn't make it :( Hmm but never mind Cereal Killers won't get killed! We'll await the next FULL ATTENDANCE meeting, definitely. Happy Valentine's Day all of you! :)

Miss 4Maddies like mad, and well Cedar bballers'09 too. It's been 3 fast years haha. I'll never forget Valentine's Day(s) in Cedar. ALWAYS THE BEST. Let's do it all over again one day. Wishing all of you lots of love, truckloads!

On a completely random note, I haven't been running or exercising since I fell sick three weeks ago... and I'm feeling grossly unfit. :( So tired of sore throats after endless coughing and vice versa. God, please help me recover fully soon!

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