Friday, February 17, 2012

People and Things

"I thought I knew you. But I guess it's easier to see what we want than to look for the truth. You think you know me but you don't. And that means you don't know what I can do."

Recently I've been drawn to a recurring thought... which is, is anyone in this world ever completely, absolutely, and perfectly reliable?

Bu bu jing xin. Can one's first love be different from one's true love? Haha it just puzzles me in a very stinging manner. I know it's just a show, but just like how a book can evoke many conflicting emotions and agitated feelings, the whole plot leaves within me a lingering air of gloominess yet at the same time, longing for more. If love is really love, shouldn't first love be one's true love? But the whole concept of it is far more complicated and obscure for me or maybe even anyone else to grasp.

I look at how things and people around me have changed or come to a standstill lately, and I wonder, what changed? Some people said, feelings never change but people do. Really?

Anyways, I'm finally recovering so reallyyyyyy thank God for that! It's been a 'painful' three weeks haha. Okay and, I'm gonna have to start exercising again. I mean, seriously. Oh and last day at MKG today was.. heartwarming. Sigh, gonna miss the children the most, obviously. :')

At this point of time, I know fearing and worrying is basically pointless, yet the heart still grows anxious as the month of March draws near. Everyday's practically a reminder to me of how weak i am in contrast to the Almight God.

Oh and hey Aunty Lee and Purple Dino, I tried uploading the pictures but to no avail haha no kidding! But I will keep trying chillax manzxzxz you two heehee :}

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