Sunday, January 8, 2012

To Kill a Mocking Girl

Hooked onto Pretty Little Liars, loving it! Haha, but the suspense is killing me and so I hate it. Ironic much? But anyway...CAN WE JUST KNOW WHO "A" IS ALREADY??? AND WHO THE MURDERER(S) ARE............ Yeah kinda angsty but that's what thrillers do to people HAHA. Ok I'm keeping my cool. :)

I started work on Friday (finally), and went for this lesson at night which I actually thoroughly enjoyed eventually. That being said, the beginning was definitely nerve-wrecking and trust me I wanted to escape the class before it started. But it wasn't too bad after all hahaha. It was a completely fulfilling day and it worked me down to the last bit heehee. Ended the day with dinner @ HK Cafe with Fishball and Hx, and I was so not unglam! Accidents happen when you have food in your mouth and your friends make you laugh, okay? That's all. :)

My body was aching like mad haha but I felt so accomplished. Looking forward to work tomorrow as well as the next few classes sometime in the week!

Lunch with church friends at 313 today and hahahaha hmm well... it was interesting haha. Funny at points of time, when the joke is NOT me or on me hahah. LOL. So anywayyyy, Ryan and Ian sent JC and me home heehee thanks guys! On a side note, yeah I think I ought to give better directions! :/

It's not easy to find friends whom you know will stick with you through thick and thin, friends who will gladly take up your burden and can whom you can withstand the test of time together, friends you'll continually grow close to. It's even harder if to find friends which fit into all of these criteria. But when you do, remember to thank God! And if you don't, pray for friends like these because these are friends you can keep for life and depend on with all your life. :)

I don't know what's ahead of me, but for everything God has blessed me with, I'm grateful and will eternally be indebted to Him.

& Hey, thanks for offering to listen, for actually listening and offering sound advice, and even for being willing to share the burden with me.

Okay gonna go REST NOW. It's gonna be a long Monday! Hmm.. God willing, I really hope the interview tomorrow night will turn out successful! So anyway yep prayerfully the second and following days of work at Marymount will be as pleasant and enriching as the first! The Kindergarten kids are SO cute, and really sweet. Haha I wouldn't mind having the kids protecting me from chameleons by gripping my hand tightly!

Adios! :)

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