Sunday, January 1, 2012

I feel like I'm screaming at the top of my lungs but no one can hear.

I need a breather, away from everything and everyone.

I gotta take a step back, cool down, and look at the bigger picture... and maybe see that those days and nights were nothing but days and nights. Even so, I'm so sick of all that is uncalled for, all that is redundant, all that is upsetting to the souls and unhealthy for the minds. They can continue walking I'll just turn and walk the other way for now!

Thank God for seeing me through December, for seeing me through Christmas, YF Camp, and for the entire year of 2011. The gratitude is unutterable but nevertheless deep rooted down in my heart. The dearest and best God of the whole world and universe, the One i can always lean back on and look to in the most despondent of times. YF camp 2011 brought me a mixture of so many feelings that I had to go through all at once... it was awakening.

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