Tuesday, January 10, 2012

And if we are finding us,

Hi Lee JA,

I LOVE the third picture because it's one of the VERY FEW photos that actually capture what you REALLY are like- spastic. I believe that's something few would expect when they first see you simply since you always seem so prim and proper. Untrue. Hahaha seriously, I love how you just crack me (and the other Cereal Killers) up. I mean, your kind of humour is one of a kind and it beats mine in many ways on different levels. I think we have telepathy or something because I've been wanting to post this but aha well due to fatigue, this BB needs rest and lots of them... thus the procrastination. I never thought I'd say this (ah who am I kidding), but I miss you surprisingly more than I thought I would. :( Okay maybe it wasn't so long a period of time in actual terms, but few weeks of not seeing you is really NOT the norm because we used to almost see each other everyday! Hmm, I'm starting to feel like I'm seeing less of you now that A's are over. Haha, but I won't fret cos I know you'd scold me for doing that, and I know now I have absolutely no reason too because what we have will only translate into a closer and stronger friendship as we break into the new year and many years after that. You better not doubt that too. You know, these couple of days working at the kindergarten have been so fulfilling and filled with never-ending happenings that I always almost want to share with you first moment (because I know you'll share the exact same sentiments as me heehee) but can't, cos we are both working (and you for many hours after I knock off) SIGH. I just hope I retain all that I wanna tell you and spam you with those hilarious and heart-warming moments I encounter(ed) by then. And on a heavier note...... PLEASE DON'T OVERWORK YOURSELF TYVM. REMEMBER TO EAT AND TAKE A BREAK AND TEXT ME. HAHA, I LOVE YOU SBB. :}

-With much love and annoyance at your packed schedule.

"The friendship that can cease has never been real."

Ours was and is. :)

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