Saturday, January 14, 2012

The beauty of it all from within.

"Anyone can love a rose but it takes a great deal to love a leaf. It's ordinary to love the beautiful, but it is beautiful to love the ordinary."

After more than a week of working at Marymount, I feel like I'm already learning more than I am when I simply go through the motions of life. There's sacrifice of much time and energy, and there's tolerance, but most of all there's humility and we get to reap invaluable rewards that cannot be replaced with money. (haha of course, money itself is still important, but that's besides the point and i'm convinced that it shouldn't be my focus this entire holiday. end of story) I got reminded of the purity and innocence we all as children used to have, the big and open hearts that we carry with us when we face other people- no motives or expectations, the simple reason why we give and share- to see the smiles and joy on the faces of our loved ones and friends. It's funny how time and harshness of the world gradually shape us into more capable, intelligent and attractive people on the outside, yet we are all dying inside. We become more scheming, more materialistic, more calculative, and more self-centred, thinking that the word revolves around us... The pride of life.

Then again, even at such young age, you see children fighting among themselves for toys, pinching each other out of anger, craving for the teacher's attention, and not confessing to their mistakes.. all these perhaps just show us how sinful we all are, even as young children. The human nature that comes innately, so broken and warped, incomparable to God's standard and His righteousness, exists in all men. And that is exactly why we need God.

OKAY ON A LIGHTER NOTE, I really felt so welcomed on Thursday when they had staff meeting and all of them were so warm in receiving me hahaha. The teacher I was attached to -thank God- loves me and that makes work so much more enjoyable! I didn't know Kindergarten teachers can be so hilarious- even during meetings haha. The Chinese teacher who used to teach me when I was studying there 12 years ago still remembers me hahaha and I was so embarrassed when she recounted some incidents that happened back then. For instance, translated from Chinese, she remembers me as the girl who was "round and fat" (hopefully not anymore since she didn't recognise me at sight HAHA!) and always "clings onto her side" haha omgggggg! But all in all being back there 12 years later really feels like home hehh. :')

I'M IN LOVE with this little boy called Darius. Heehee! His dimples are so lovely and he has the kindest heart. He'll always be the one queuing up last because he'll stay back and help me push in the chairs and keep the toys AND MAINLY TO WAIT FOR ME TO HOLD HIS HAND teehee. He told me he had a present for this friend of his because he wants her to be happier in school (or in his words, "more happy") haha. He stroked the shoulders of this girl who burst out crying while waiting for the school bus and said "it's okay don't cry". He so willingly held the hand of this boy that nobody wants to partner in class. He always says "thank you" with a bright smile and happy voice. But most of all he protects me from the chameleon by running to me and holding my hand bwahaha! Heart melts.

Then there's this boy Lucas who looks exactly like Trevor from FEK. The first time I saw him I just wanted to go over and give him a hug hehehee! Heidi the sweetest girl with a kind smile looks absolutely cute when she goes into a world of her own and hums a tune I don't know of. Everytime I turn and she silently stands behind me waiting with her big lovely eyes and small smile, my heart softens and I just wanna carry her home hehh. And Adelle without her two front teeth looking exactly like the most adorable vampire haha. Love it when she runs and bang into me whenever she gives me a hug. :} Then there's Andrea who said "you're my favourite girl" and dances so well to the music I can't help but to lighten up every single time. Oh, my days will definitely not be boring as long as I'm with them. :)


I just came back from eating dinner with my mom, my brother, and Lorencia and it was the best meal I've eaten in a while because well, what beats eating with family in a such peaceful yet spirited manner? Hahaha :') We have all come a long way. If only the days ahead are filled with moments like these! For now, I really can't ask for more...

I was telling them all about the little kids at Marymount and some of the jocular incidents and we all had a good laugh haha. My brother was like "so tomorrow you gotta go school?" and I was like "uhh no... it's Sunday leh" His response was, "yeah what, sunday school?" HAHA win.

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