Sunday, July 10, 2011

What We Were Doing While They Were Lonely.

"And Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs... so that together we find our way home. Because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.' This year.. I lost my way."
I'm not gonna say I'm confident that I'll start to love school again once the new term begins, tomorrow. But, I'm gonna say that I'm starting anew, again. I'm inspired by your goodness babe. Don't ever forget that. Don't think too far ahead, don't plan too far ahead. That has, and will continue to be the impetus trapping us if we can't get past that. You don't know what glee it brings me to see you so completely immersed in pool the other night, and how thrilled and amused you were! PS, Yaya got 1st runner-up heehee! Totally Yaya wannabe man bwahahaha :}

Brooke: I caught a young girl shoplifting the other day. I was pretty hard
on her.

Psy: Did you feel threatened by her ?

Brooke: No, I actually felt myself feeling jealous. I realize I let company matter too much. You know, we spend all this time building something up, And then we don't enjoy it. We just sit there, terrified that someone is gonna take it away from us. And there was this girl, and she didn't answer to anything or anyone. And that made me jealous.

Psy: What are yoou going to do about that, with regards to your company ?

Brooke: Well, it doesn't matter, I don't have to worry about clother over bros anymore.

Psy: And why is that?

Brooke: I gave it all away. I signed the company over to victoria. Do you think that I was foolish to give my company to my mother ?

Psy: Do you think you were foolish ?

Brooke: Do you always answer a question with another question ?

Psy: Does it bother you ? In my humble opinion, it was never going to be your company, as long as she was part of it.

Brooke: After I did it I felt great. At first, I felt liberated, but now I just feel kind of empty. Everything that I worked for is gone. I just have this store. And even that's
empty now.

Psy: That freedom you were jealous of can be scary sometimes.
Have you talked to anyone else about it ?

Brooke: No. I saw my best friend today, and I couldn't bring myself to tell her.

Psy: Why do you think that was ?

Brooke: I don't know. I feel a little... A little bit like I failed. You know ? I am watching ll my friends move on with their lives, Haley and her family, and Millicent is moving to be with mouth, and Peyton with Lucas and they are all moving forward. And its like I am stuck here, standing still, and...

Psy: Brooke, you're 22 yers old and the founder of a multi million dollar corporation. I'd hardly call that standing still.

Brooke: But it's gone.

Psy: You will do something else. You are intelligent, you are creative. You will figure it out. But that's not the real question.

Brooke: Then what is ?

Psy: All you have talked about is your work, brooke. But when you mention your friends being happy, you define happiness strictly in terms of relationship and family. The question is, Why are you so insistent on going through life alone?

People change and people stay the same. There's always a part of them that will always be there, but the rest of them, will probably vanish away with time past. 

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