Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baby Steps.

Happy Birthday Friendster. Haha I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the day and that it has marked a wonderful start to your 18th year on this earth. Prayerfully, may God bless you in every day of your life and all the best in your future endeavours haha!

Sunday was GOOD. As always, with time spent on LKM. Hahah bursting into fits of laughter once in every few minutes, which successfully gave her cheeks cramps, am I great or what! HAHA. I don't ever wanna forget how wonderful we celebrated our 18th birthday together (though not on the actual day) and I'll be sure to commit them to memory. Highlights: Kemei greeting with me a slice of tiramisu- my fav!- at Orchard Central heehee, a non satisfactory Sakae meal which involves "Sushi thief!", playing chess using the store's display set, playing pool like two very spastic noobsters at Marina Square, blindly searching for books in Kinokuniya and Times, travelling all the way back to OC for YOU-KNOW-WHAT (most egggggciting gift everrrrr!), LAUGHING (secretly and openly) at hilarious Vaio Jason with his non humorous colleague who totally diaoed him hahahha!, watching green shirt man handling the films and cameras with great agony, Black Bird Jason, and racing home to prepare for school next day! WOW. Hahahah in any case, hope you had fun Loveleeeee and, I'll wish you proper on you-know-when :}

YESTERDAY. Met Joy at tpy and we studied till 9++ which was not too bad after we managed to find a non-sticky table at Coffee Bean heehee! I'm quite glad I met her because Christian company is after all, heart-warming and it enlivens my mood so much when I just need a breather away from, well, school. The pressure is overwhelming. But I'm relying on God's grace because without it, I can't even be here today. Okay we're gonna hope in the Lord and continue pressing on!

Hmm.. I heard we're gonna get back history results this Friday. Deja vu. I don't wanna go through the scenario I experienced back when I was Sec 4. Horrid. Truth be told, I'm afraid everything will be ruined by my mood that day.. :( Then again, I'm not in control but my Lord and my God is. When it rains, it rains. I have decided, whatever happens, I'm gonna commit it to God. Maybe then I wouldn't feel so stressful. Because all along.. I obstinately insist on carrying the world on my shoulders. Not anymore.

But I pray this will be a week to remember and thank God for.

They say, the worst sound ever is hearing the pain and sorrow in someone's laughter.

It pains me and bothers me so much to see the people around me hurting, especially those I care so much for, yet so powerless to be of any help. I just pray that regardless of whatever may happen, I can be a friend worth relying on to you. You deserve to be happy. :)

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