Sunday, July 24, 2011


In a blink of an eye, you realise you are a child no more. It's time to grow up, it's time to leave the child in you behind and move on. Maybe by doing that, we lose a part of ourselves. But sometimes we can't defy the order of things in this life. It's... inevitable. In so doing, perhaps we just learn to build walls instead of bridges. Someone once said, "We never grow up. We just learn how to act in public."

There's one thing I have to do, perhaps the most important of all, which is to thank God for eighteen years of life and give Him all glory for what I've become. For better or for worse. Because it is our mighty and loving Father who allows me the privilege to stand here today, with a blessed life compared to million others. For that alone, I ought to be filled with gratitude and love for my Lord and my God. :)

On Friday the 22ND of July, I'm beginning another new year in my life. One that I resolve not to create unnecessary regrets. And I was happy. Or maybe caught up in a whirlwind of emotions intermingling from all areas, such as the drama in school, the stress and competitiveness the whole environment brings, my disappointing grades and poor academic performance, and a whole lot of troubles weighing me down. But on the whole, God knows me and my heart, He loves and cares for me, He answers me prayer, even on that day. A simple prayer- to be happy. I was and I still am. I was greeted by my lovely friend Kemei on the bus (deliberate attempt for us to be on the same bus for the duration of the bus from one bus stop to another) and we took a swift photograph before I alighted the next stop and made my way to school.

Haha, the day started like any other, of course with the exception of seeing Km. :) Surprisingly, at different times of the day I actually forgot it was my birthday. Which was you know, unlike me hahah. But then again, growing up does wonders (or destruction) to all of us, I think. Things which so excite us gradually lose its purest form of anticipation and mystery. It starts becoming difficult, and it takes increasingly more for us to be happy. Anyway, the class sang me a birthday song at the end of assembly which was honestly, shocking at first. But I was flattered. Haha, thanks guys! Birthday cake celebration was fabulous too, although I had to go through the tradition of being smashed in my face(& hair) with cake by Weiren...zzzomg. -.- HAHA and it was caught on cam! Unbelievable.

Thank you Lee JA for sacrificing your time and energy to plan all of it and so much more! I'm sure you know how touched you made me. Thanks babe heehee! It was not all. The gifts she gave me were evidence how much that girl LISTENED to me ramble on and on daily in school even though she may pretend to be disinterested in my repetitive stories sometimes. LOL. You know, I've already read the book, started slotting in notes into the file, and pasted disney stickers on my BB, iPod, and Cam! Hahhaha shows how much I appreciate it huhhh :} The super short time spent at Sentosa (considering that it is after all, SENTOSA) and our failed attempt to sun tan is nevertheless well spent, in my opinion. YOU-KNOW-WHY. Hahahaha I hope! Anyway, I was reallyyyyy elated. I'm just glad to have you by my side on my 18th birthday. I thoroughly relished every moment of it. I don't know if I deserve this, but I'm definitely appreciative of all you have done for me. Like we said, regardless of what is to come, just remember the things I told you while we were at the beach trying to absorb the last of sun rays. HAHA alright, you rock gal. I hope you'll start feeling true joy again and stop being torn away by whatever harshness there is to face. Because I know you are a strong woman JA! XOXO.

Friday night. The surprise dinner by my wonderful church friends was in a word, awesome! HAHA, for real. I knew I was gonna meet a few of them, but I didn't exactly know who was going, so when I arrived "fashionably late" (in the words of Amoz hahaha!) at the designated area- Pizza Hut (haha!), I was pleasantly impressed by the people who turned up. Okay most of all, my cgls heehee. Amoz and Faith was there, which was.. haha great! Stella, Slim, Ctas, Josiah Tan, Huixian and Bob were there too! I was unequivocally delighted and I remember smiling till my jaws went sore. I was royalty for one night teehee! They were all so tired and had a busy schedule I'm really touched they came all the way down for me. (haha maybe I just was too lovable OKAY KIDDING. HAHA) You guys (& girls!) were really great and I can't think of anything (not too mushy) to say to convey my heartfelt thanksgiving and appreciation towards all of you for coming down that night and spend my 18th with me. I thank God for that. Haha, it might not sound like a big deal but it was to me! The presents were lovely but more than that are the well wishes that come along with them. Thanks for everything from all the presents to all of your PRESENCE. :}

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