Saturday, July 2, 2011

He who does not weep, does not see.

"When archaeologists uncover lost civilizations and they unearth their worlds
that have long been since been destroyed, you know what they find most often?
They find stories... ancient languages, words, inscriptions from people who have
been gone for thousand of years, because chances are, like you, they wanted to
know, "Whats the point ?". We put pen to paper in times of devastating tragedy.
And we try and make sense of it. Maybe we will find some clarity in some of
those words. Maybe we will find peace."

We can't play these games anymore.

There's something fierce about you, something... good. That's it. It helps you to know you exist and is not merely a part of an every day motion. It helps you to face your fears and be stronger. I used to be apprehensive about it but sometimes no matter how reluctant you are, you just have to get up and stop being comfortable. Because that comfort will kill you bit by bit. You cannot be okay with living in sin. Or self-pity. Or.. whatever you call that. :)

I can't wait to begin, again.

Cross your road; I'll burn my bridges.

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