Thursday, July 14, 2011

All the blurred motions and muffled voices.

I absolutely love Skyping with this girl. Hahahah great study partner over the comp, how cool is that. :} LOL but most of the time we just catch up on what's the latest. Which is, not bad at all! Hmm wouldn't mind doing this with her every night, at least there's someone to keep me awake haha. Hey Kho RM, thanks for Monday night and the super cool cup, which you meant for it to be last year's birthday present so cute can teehee! It is by far my favourite, truly.

Love, Mag.

I can't wait to get my new lappie, hopefully my brother decides to be ubbberrrr sweet and surprise me next Fri. Bwahahaha!

Sigh, cheap thrill for such a long, sad, confusing day.

I never know how true that is, and to be honest I always had reservations about that because, I found myself believing in the idea of true love between one guy for one girl. Haha now it just sounds idealistic and, silly to the core because we are not living in a fairytale. You know, it scares me seeing things happening around me lately. I don't want to sink deeper or step into something beyond my control, something... so unsettling and dubious. Potentially disappointing. But it's still scary. The closer people become, the more they expect from each other. Maybe it's one-sided, maybe it's both. But either way, it's a threat for things to change and become irreversible.

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