Thursday, May 26, 2011

When you brush your teeth, I'll squeeze the toothpaste.

What do you feel when we are together?


Everyone is fighting their own battle.
To be free from the past.
To live in their present.
And to create their future.

So have heart.

So BT2 has officially started. GP Paper 1 today just murdered all my efforts in preparing. Haha, none of which came out. Spells trouble :(

Praying for added strength and discipline to study. Great I'm looking forward to becoming a nerd. Hahahah, I rather be a nerd and study hard for the remaining few months than to be a cool kid who can't score well for everything nahhhh. I'm actually erm, kidding.

I wanna be a cool kid who studies hard and do well! LOL. But then again that's not up to me to say hehh.. sooo I'm gonna do my best and leave the rest to God. :)

Cheers! :B

And I wonder why it all comes back to me again. Every time I'm convinced it's over and done with, something hits me and I feel that same ache again. But you know what the good news is? I think I'm becoming indifferent, and tired, sick of trying to be perfect in your eyes. It's almost impossible and pointless, so maybe I've finally looked beyond this superficiality. Thanks for this lesson you've given me, it will be unforgettable. It has proven to be anyway.

So I'll stick to simple tunes and stupid jokes, until the day comes when I find you. And when you come along I'll find the mark that symbolises a past that is insignificant, and that future encompassing everything dear to my heart, even the littlest things. This time when I brush my teeth, you'll squeeze the toothpaste. :}

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