Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's alright, broken glass doesn't kill.

Don't we all have unsolved mysteries in life? Have you ever stared into a pair of eyes you once thought you knew and have all the untold stories in the world, only to discover with a tinge of melancholy, how little you know of that person, how you can never fathom what lies behind those indifferent eyes.

Just saying. :)



- Bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.

Exact same feelings right now. Sigh. Today I wore the necklace I bought 7 years ago in Italy, instantly feeling so happy when I chanced upon that which I have long forgotten about. The glass was ever so clear and sparkling bright, as if symbolising hope (I don't know why). Perhaps it just brings back memories and the simple but happy life I had much younger, therefore making me yearn for such ecstatic moments again. My mind subconsciously flashed back to the February of 2004, where Italy was covered with snowflakes everywhere and the scenary was indisputably gorgeous. My cousins and I were so young, but I vividly remember the attitude we carried around. So hopeful and aspired, we thought we were fearless. As if, there's nothing in the world we cannot accomplish. So I felt like a little girl when I left home having it settled around my neck. I was in glee.

And that's the last time I can wear it. Somehow I decided to be butterfingered today. The glass dropped and broke into two pieces. I'm just glad it didn't shatter into many small bits, so I can still keep it in my capsule for memory's sake at least. Why was I so clumsy? :( I guess I can still be thankful for having took some pictures of me wearing it before I lost the chance to. Looking at the picture and how beautiful it looks (whole piece intact) just makes me speechless. It's the sentimental value it holds that I care about. Oh well.

I've always been a dreamer.
I've had my head among the clouds
But now that I'm coming down
Won't you be my solid ground?

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