Friday, May 27, 2011

Almost Pretty.

Haha yes, SYMBOLLIC YOZ. LOL. This marks the start of something new, something almost pleasant. I hope all my past regrets and follies are gone with the wind(nah, I meant, hair.) today. Yep haha!

Almost ugly, almost pretty. Oh well, what's the diff, seriously? For now, nobody's opinions should matter that much. I have no one to please, I shouldn't have. Seriously, it's just hair okay!? Okay. I think I meant it figuratively. Hahaha I'm told how unfathomable I am.. and last time I would feel apprehensive over being such an intricacy, but now, I'm just me. And, I think there's nothing wrong with it at all. I have God. So that's alright. Paradox then shall I be. :)

Last night, I went to send my cousin off to the USA for 6 weeks of study exchange. Going to the airport brings so much memories, hopes, and dreams back. It was almost overwhelming. I wish I had what I wish. But then, I keep reminding myself, the life God has for me, is and should be all that I yearn.

Hey, I know you care for me. And so how could I not know your well intentions -presumably genuine- for me? But you don't know the struggles I'm going through... and I probably wouldn't be able to convey those words I know can never be able to reach you in my whole lifetime.

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