The Korea trip was spectacular and thoroughly enjoyable, so unforgettable that I'd probably always remember the time I spent there. The first day I woke up in Singapore after coming back from the trip, I was almost struck with melancholy that it was all over before I knew it. Temporal depression. Haha, and now I'm already planning to save up and travel more places next year! Top of my list: BARCA. But oh well obviously I'm gonna have to wait a long time if I'm intending to rely on my pathetic savings. Not to make myself feel worse, but I kinda just bled from spending on my new Vaio lapto (which I'm using now) yesterday. Hahaha well the brother's belated present (now perhaps in the form of belated 'money' would have to wait till the end of Dec) It's safe to say almost that, yeahh I'm broke. :(
Gonna look for a job, ASAP. Hm, but that will probably have to wait till after Dec (which means, till 2012) since I'm currently occupied with Christmas preparation, catching up with the dear friends, and most important of all at this moment, the planning for YF camp. Praying all goes well :)
Korea pictures are up on fb! Haha and... I shall blog about it another time. Maybe :}
Inititally, I simply wanted to blog one sentence.
And that was,
it sucks to be me.
Oh, and it's not because of how occupied I am (I'm sure relishing in that), but cos... according to some people, I bring epic failure to a whole new level. Sucks to be Mag then. :( HAHA kiddingggggg, I still think it's pretty awesome to be me.
Ok you probably think that's a lie. And...... I agree.
Boohoo :(
I remembered preparing myself the day before, that all good things come to an end no matter how happy they make us feel, yet when the morning arrived and the bus started towards the airport, I find myself struggling to breathe. To let go. The feeling lasted till this very moment. Not as strong, but it still lingers and it still haunts.
Too beautiful a memory makes the reminiscing immensely painful.
That's mighty brief words. Now try long story :P