Monday, December 19, 2011

I'm no counterfeit.

Hi RuiminK I think we rock hahahaha you make me less of an embarrassment when we are together!

We should have more days like that. Oh, and don't you think it's funny we are kinda, almost, going through the same thing? Haha but yeah you are right we should all be n.o.r.m.a.l. and forget all the other confusing things. :)

This night's a perfect shade of
Dark blue dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room when I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning burning down
Dark blue dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning dark blue

We were boxing
We were boxing the stars
We were boxing we were boxing
You were swinging for Mars
And then the water reached the West Coast
And took the power lines the power lines
And it was me and you this could last forever
And the whole town under water
There was nothing we could do
It was dark blue

Love, love this.

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