Saturday, December 24, 2011

The New Normal

If I could wish upon tomorrow

Tonight will never end

Two nights in a row of feeling so blessed with great friends around me. Thank God for happy days like these, even in the midst of the most heartbreaking ones. Haha satisfied my Beard Papa cravings and now I think I'm hooked onto Tako balls. This gotta stop hahahaha. Good thing Yf camp's starting soon, I guess :)

I've never felt so busy in December, but this is all good. All things for God is and will be good, yepp! Random thought: I kinda miss carolling heehee.

Hey Purple Dinosaur you officially turned 18 two days ago, and I'm so glad we spent it together with JA the SBB too. :} Heehee anywayyy, see you in 2012 again, we'll ask Pling and Deaf Knee along this time round! And Jia Ai your post was so sweet XOXOXO

& BBFF, we'll get out of this sticky situation together and not be trapped in it any longer, k? It's funny how we are going through exactly the same stuff but with different people hahaha, loved yesterday and can't wait for my life to be flooded with such days! Heehee and yep it's BBFF :}

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