Thursday, April 7, 2011

You are racing like a Pro.

Oh crap, blogger doesn't wanna let me upload pictures :((((((((((((((( (And the posting option buttons aren't working tooooooooo!)

But anywayyyy,

school's been hectic. Life's been messy. But we all can't escape from it, and the only thing left for us to do is to embrace whatever all adversities and frustration with an open heart, and open mind, an open attitude. Face our fears.

I'm blessed to have so many good friends around me who never fail to bring the smile back to my face every single time self-doubts arise and disappointments come my way. It's not to be taken for granted. I won't.

The class have definitely grown closer from last year, and though I miss some of lively souls who aren't with us this year, I'm gladden and more than pleased, to not only know my other classmates, but to be a classmate to them. Most importantly, be a friend to them. That small circle of friends, with immeasurable poor humour and retardedness whom I'm so thankful for, have been my source of fun, mirth and hilarity (as well as quite definitely, LeeJA's too) in our currently mundane lives. Then again, it's not as that boring. Life has been so fast-paced for me and days past by like a whirlwind as I get caught up with the piling school work, incomprehensible lectures, and crucial basketball trainings. At least I'm given the chance to do what I love, to work towards my goal, to be kept busy and involved. Thank You, Lord.

Yepp. Okay next, friendly match with Dunman Sec was not too bad, though there is still much room for improvement! The team too, has gotten closer (undeniably) from the M'sia trip, and this really helped improve our understanding with each other on the court. I'm just glad to see my efforts start paying off these few weeks, and I pray with all my heart this will motivate me to work harder and be at my best every single time I set foot on court, and of course like what we all desire very much, to prove our worth, to see the results. I truly thank God for blessing my efforts and grace so sufficient, or I wouldn't be able to play like I did just now. I have to say though, today wasn't my best, and my defense was (to put it nicely) terrible. :( Hahaha gotta train my stamina. Like, seriously.

Looking at the Polaroid I took with Jia Ai makes me smileeeeeee, so happy it turned out pretty teehee! :)

Lynnie, you don't know how much it consoles me knowing I came to you at the right time whenever you are down. Because I wouldn't know what kind of best friend I'd be if I weren't there for you at your darkest moments. And so just remember that you are a woman of strength, and you have a potential so great you can't see it youself. So don't ever give up on yourself or let your efforts go down the drain, because like I said, there's a hero inside of you waiting to shine and show the world (and the people who don't see you for you) what you are made of. I know you and you are just, simply, wonderful. You told me failures only make us stronger. And so I know you'll only get stronger, better. Take heart my girl.

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