Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I gave my heart and it's all I can give.

The defeat to NYJC today was unthinkable, because I know we could have done so much better. But now that it's over, nothing else can be said or done to change the outcome of this match. Reality is such, we gotta move on. But what hurts me most is how I've done everything I could for this past year, and yet be left with no choice but to sit and stare helplessly as I witnessed how we all slowly gave in to despair, and hold on painfully to "what could have been". I can safely say I had faith in them till the very last second, but for now that isn't the point, is it? This time round, I'm not gonna blame myself. The fact is, I don't even get to share the blame, so there I said it. What and how that person had decided today, was an insult to us. But maybe after all, I have no right to be so agitated about it. Maybe, in the first place, I wasn't enough.

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