Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bridge Over Troubled Water.

I don't think anyone can honestly be immune to pain. But we choose to, because facing it costs us too much. We... run away.

The weekends have been sorta, rejuvenating and although an incredibly short break from school and all the drama, it was nevertheless needful. The sea is immense. So comparably our pain shouldn't be. We create false fears to prevent ourselves from facing the real ones. Let go of bitterness, let go and give yourself some space. Not being understood, whether by friends you trust so much, or friends whom spent so much time with you, or friends who seem to genuinely care, it really hurts. Especially when you've decided to be strong, but can never escape that voice in your head undermining your strength to move on. It's true that at some point of time, you will be alone. People won't fit into your lives the way you want them to. I recognised that, and for quite some time now, my heart has accepted that. I'm no longer wistful. I'm letting the melancholy go. But have faith that you will find that somebody for you in future. The hero you can always rely on. Yeah it's cliche, but I believe in it. Meanwhile, what are true friends for? And as always, behind the scenes, there's our dearest, mighty Father, unchangeable God. :)

Don't compare. Comparing always hurts. Always. So right now, I just wanna be constantly reminded, that I should live my life according to God's will, and live it happily. I wanna step out of my misery and be there for those who need a friend, and hope, and love.

Be the change you wanna see in the world.

Hey love, you don't like the person you are becoming, but I do. Because I know you aren't changing for the worse, you are discovering a stronger you, just that for now you need someone to push you on. I'll be there for you. :)


1. Bryan Greenberg is as of now, my favourite musician and actor. (And ideal guy bwahaha!) 2. Portland Trail Blazers lost to Dallas Mavericks and it was such a close game I'm kinda sad. Somehow I feel I'm a jinx to every team I support. But then again, I know that's not true. Self-contradiction there, yeah I know. Heehee! 3. Went to see the physio again and hmm... my knee's bandaged again, now double-bandaged. And the best thing is, I'm gonna play ball later with Priya Muhhindhrin. (YES SPELT HER NAME CORRECTLY FOR ONCE LOL) 4. Maths isn't exactly one of my likeable subjects anymore, that's sad huh. :{ 5. Rudy Fernandez is an awesome Basketball player I'm really impressed. Haha, who cares about Kobe Bryant now LOL. 6. I kinda like NY Knicks and LA Clippers too. (there's hidden reason HAHA) 7. First match on Tuesday, against NYJC.. feeling jittery. 8. I smell of medicated oil now. 9. Gonna go back to doing maths zzz.

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