Saturday, April 9, 2011

We are all too blind to see.

Never think that you know someone. They might surprise you. For good or for bad.

My knee isn't getting any better, but I hope the pain goes away soon. Basketball trainings are only gonna get tougher now that the season has started and our first match is nearing. I'm not gonna complain, because somehow right now, this seems to be the least of my concerns. It's probably the best thing happening in my life right now, as compared to school, studies, and people. Such irony huh, basketball. The moment you score, the sense of satisfaction is so gratifying you instantly forget all the misery and downfalls life's reality is throwing at you.

But most of all, I'm thankful I have God. Because nobody is more faithful, more loving, more reliable than our mighty Father above. In Him, there is absolutely no room for doubts and uncertainties. He will provide, simply because He loves us. If God be for us, who can be against us? And therefore I'm exceedingly glad I went for Yf today again after a considerably longgggg time! Heh, then went for dinner at Far East with Mel, both Josiahs, Amoz, Eddison and the rest. Got a lift back from Eddison teehee! Catching up with church frinds is always a great joy. It's true God blesses you when you seek after Him wholeheartedly. Honour God and He will honour you. :)

You know, as much as you are afraid of losing someone, sometimes you gotta accept the fact that (as much as you might have been), you are not that important to a person anymore. Someone told me, the hardest part is probably not wanting to give it all up because that person is still important to you. Then again, what can you do otherwise? You can't move on. But she said, maybe, that's the point, we don't want to.

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