Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hey, the world doesn't revolve around you.

Whether you smile or frown, whether you laugh or cry, whether you love or hate, whether you live or die, the sun continues to shine, the earth continues to revolve, people continue to live their lives, and life continues to go on. So there's no reason -none at all- for you to dwell in self-pity or misery. Move forward and press on, you'll see that life is beautiful. Run a race that is of God's, the rest will fall in place. :)

They say, easy come easy go. But, nothing that actually means something is or will ever be easy. But that's what life is all about. It won't be smooth sailing, it won't be painless. At this moment, this very quote comes to mind as it always does. They gave our Master a crown of thorns. Why do we hope for a crown of roses?

Indeed, so true huh. Haha yup anyway, it's stressful to see the pressure build up around you, and that makes life in school difficult and unpleasant, but... I've decided, to always look on the bright side and be thankful for what I have. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to be prepared for the big A's, and surrender the rest into God's hands. Count your blessings, you never know what God could have withhold back from us but is gracious enough not to!

It's disappointing, that our team isn't able to make it to the next round, but I'm not gonna look back anymore. Instead, I shall be contented to have shared this experience with the girls. Proud of SA basketball girls for putting up a good fight last match against VJ. We lost but, no regrets! :) As for the rest, it's time to let go.

So it's our 2nd last match against MI tomorrow, go TEAM SA! :}

PS, Portland Trail Blazers vs Maverick Dallas game 6 tomorrow: GO BLAZERS! (Rudy Fernandez all the best heehee!)

PSS, JA made my day during CSE by nodding off and jumping from her seat with hilarious sound effect HAHAHAHA!

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