Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We are all living in shades of grey.

Haha I really hate managing more than one blog. Seriously, I don't understand why people can't just keep to one blog. And now that I have this blog AND my tumblr, I still don't get it. This is really strange. I'm so tempted to just stick here, since there are so many things I've been feeling recently that are getting increasingly hard for me to tell others, or trust them with. But I know tumblr makes me happy with all the updates of Fernando love and Spain and what nots. Heehee!

Back to more tugging matters, hmm... promos. I'll be having CSE (the last paper) tomorrow, and I can't wait. But at the same time, I dread going back to normal school days where there are lots of fun, but lots of other troubles I want to get away from. And I just realised lessons are gonna resume after that, like WHAT. All my little bubbles of things I wanna do just go 'pop' 'pop' 'pop' :(

Anyway, maths paper today didn't went well for me. I lost track of time and was really slow. Of course, there were the knotty questions I couldn't do :( But I have no right to complain or be overly sad about it because I know exactly how much I prepared for this maths exam, and I know too, that I didn't work as hard for maths this time round. So I'm gonna pray that I can accept whatever results God give me, and give thanks for He knows best for me. If I do well this time, I can take absolutely no credit for it because all that I have and received, is His grace and mercy.

You know, it is through these arduous times when everyone is and can only look out for themselves, leaving you to fight your own battles alone... that you see God's hand at work, and the friends who are friends. I don't wanna talk about friends today, there's enough said and felt. It gets me thinking all over again, and right now... I'm tired.

Isn't it so true, that sometimes we just don't know right from wrong, until we experience disappointments and heartaches, joy and laughters.

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