Thursday, October 7, 2010

matter more than you think.

I would love to go through it all over again, to press the play button and repeat those happy moments again. But I'm afraid it'd be less precious that way. We all have to grow up, no? You may discover how brutal the world actually is, the people who change, or are in fact the same people but we thought were different, but that's life isn't it?

Anyway, there's inter class games tomorrow and I really don't wanna play, but I don't have any choice since they submitted the list. Anyway, I thought post promos would be fun.. but up till now I don't feel the true joy I've been looking forward to after exams. Of course, doing the basics like jogging without time constraints, reading books and watching dramas gave me a tranquil and relaxing day, but... what about the people around me?
I thought we had so many plans made before exams, but it turns out I'm just planning ahead of myself. I didn't realise it was so difficult. I didn't know I will be so drained. What's the point of trying so hard? I always ask myself, but till now, I still don't know whether what I've been doing is the right thing. You know, everything is worthless if you don't mean it. Every word, every action, every memory.
It scares me stiff to recognise the possibility that one day I'll find out all that I believe in- the beauty of this world, the people and things I trust and love the most, the dreams I hold so dear to- are really just, fairytales and lies and impressions... and nothing more.

Maybe I'm just tired, maybe I just need a breather.

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