Sunday, October 17, 2010


All the words and smiles and actions, what are they?

I don't know what to feel about this class, I don't know how to act around them. I don't know what to believe anymore.

Even, the friends.

But maybe like someone said before, we expect that much from the people we love because we are prepared to give that much.

I just hate knowing that all these could just be a facade after all. I'm afraid behind all the affectionate gestures lies distrust and contempt. One day...if you realise I don't live up to your standards, would you please tell me and stop pretending you don't mind and love me all the same? Even if that breaks your heart as a gracious person with kind words. No, really. These are heartfelt words, not sarcasm. Because yes, the truth always hurt, but deception always hurt more. Nope, not intended to anyone in particular.. but just a genuine thought.

I sincerely hope I'm peculiar in a positive way, if ever I am.

I'm grateful for the friends who love me at my worst, truly. And I know they are God's way of loving me, too.

Oh and just on another note, if I'm repeatedly expressing my appreciation, it's not because it doesn't take any effort to thank someone. But because, I don't want a time to come when I regret not letting you know how valuable a friend you are to me, and how much the things you've done for me will stay ineffaceable in my heart. It simply means, I can't thank you enough. :)

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