Saturday, October 9, 2010

By my side, truly.

To the dearest friend who has been by my side these 10 months.

Jia Ai, this is NOT a response to your blog post. I was getting ready to blog when I saw your post and went awww in my heart, really ;)

The quote on facebook, that made me smile from inside out. Today wasn't exactly a pleasant day for me, but when I came back from dinner and saw what you tagged me with, it really braced me up with gladness. I've been avoiding so many thoughts and matters of the heart recently, but on the way home from dinner today, it all came back to me. These things include Cereal Killers, my family, and myself. About my family, I am no longer able to express my innermost feelings with words simply, and I guess you know bits and pieces of it, but that's understandable. As for the five of us... that day after our final paper when we went to Astons, realisations hit me. Scary ones. I don't even know what to make out of it. And I'm speechless too. Forgive me again, for negativity such as this. Maybe one day you'll understand. Anyway, I find a need to convey this to you: no matter how things turn out in the near future, or how strain relations become among this group of five, I'm grateful for all that you have done. I'm thankful to have you by my side for so long. Not measured by months, but by the small but genuine and sacrificial things you have done for us, for me.

I'm really touched that you actually came to school for me yesterday. Not because I'm surprised(since you said you wouldn't leave me alone so many times), but because you did it so willingly. Seriously, the small picnic by the steps and retarded but light-hearted conversation(and jive, haha!) with you was enjoyable and one of the happy things I cherish in SA. With your og mate and our new friend, it just brings out what we miss in Cedar, what we expected in our present classmates, and act as a harsh reminder of how unhappy we actually are, how much we've been settling for something less, how often we disguise ourselves with smiles and laughs and satisfaction which we don't truly feel. It's the issue of I(for you) and A(for me) again huh? Haha but don't worry we have each other. Remember that. Also, no matter how funny I find them, how much they make me burst into hysteria, know that they can never take your place and make me feel as peppy and blessed to have a friend like you. :) AND so, I won't stand them making fun of you, even if they don't mean it. Because, I know you care and you feel hurt. I'm here for you, and don't keep things to yourself anymore okay? I know it's difficult to trust, but find the right person and you'll trust that person with your secrets more than you trust yourself :) I'm not saying I'm that person heehee, because I, too, am finding for that someone.

My hope for us.

"One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention."

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