Saturday, October 29, 2011

But those are heartbeats on closed doors.

After yesterday, I finally thought it through and let go of the stupid miseries that have been weighing me down. Haha thank God! Indeed it is now much easier to focus and zoom in on the most important task at hand. :) That's not to say though, that I'm having a great time. If anything, I can't wait for the end of Nov to come- KOREA! Bwahaha first stop of my post-A's travelling destinations.

Hmm.. Then again, what about A levels itself?

During history consultation yesterday, our intelligent teacher got me thinking: really, what IS the whole point of the A level examinations? In the context of Singapore, or maybe even the world out there, we ought to be aiming for all the As and possibly Bs and a prestigious position in the course we desire. But who says those are the things which make us genuinely happy? Maybe for some, it made me wonder what I truly want.. And how about God's will for my life, does it even sound remotely familiar to me? We all tend to forget the process and look straight ahead to the results, and that's human nature. But I don't want to waste my life away worrying about the outcome and compromising on the joy that I could have attained from God's strength. God will never throw me trials too big to handle, but the thing is, will I willingly go through these tests without blaming Him for not making my life a bed of roses?

I thought deep and hard, and I came to a conclusion that all these uncertainties and stress I'm facing boil down to the very fact of existing expectations and what nots. Fear of letting them down, fear of..

Ok. Point made. Just saying!


I just cooked my own dinner today cos nobody's eating home and I didn't wanna eat porridge with my uncle haha. Proud to say, the fried (but not-so-fried) egg I cooked and brocolli were really yummy! (hahaha self-praise but too bad since nobody other than me tried it) Come to think about it, it's their loss LOL. My brother thinks I can't cook so.. ahhaa imma show him!

*my uncle laughing and standing at the side watching me cook: how you gonna cook for your boyfriend next time?

Grrr hahahaha but seriously, I'm still insisting that I can cook! Heehee and trust me, I'm so gonna be a great cooker after A's. Oh, I mean CHEF HAHA. :}

PS, the man utd game started mins ago and he was sitting on the sofa (with me beside him)

him: "hmm.. where got girls like soccer one."
me: *glare* hello, i'm a girl
"ya lor that's why"

HAHA ughhh I start to wonder if I'm actually giving off the wrong vibes. The friends are starting to treat me like a "bro".

OKAY ADIOS. This has been a nice break. :)

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