Saturday, October 8, 2011

Your Big Heart.

One thing you should know, even if I'd said this to you many times for the past 2 years, it doesn't mean less each time I say it. Thank you JA.

I'll keep it short here. But anywhere here goes.. You are what made life in SA so colourful, so inexplicable for me. There were probably many uphills we went through together, but I believe those were needful as all these experiences taught me to recognise change, to accept change, and to change for the better. It all made me stronger, and you better than anyone else in school, should know that pretty well. :) There are (too many) times, you can read my intentions and know my thoughts without me expressing them vocally, and along with you being yourself, you make me so comfortable around you. Always. Haha, I think you bring out the most unglamorous in me. (not that I have anything to be glam about.......) OKAY I SHALL STOP HERE NOW. You can, await for the rest of my awesome message... which you'll receive maybe in 10 years down the road. Or sooner, heehee :}

Anyway, thank you for doing so many things for me. Countless. And I hope you know that without you, those things mean nothing. You always say you're not a good friend, but I feel otherwise. Yep, that's my thesis. I'm gonna fail this because I can't come out with any counter arguments.

(erm... okay, you are supposed to be laughing. but i guess hehehehe)

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