Monday, March 19, 2012

How many moments in life can you point to and say: 'That's when it all changed.' ?

Come to think of it, I've had quite a few.

Maybe somewhere deep down, when faced with an unwanted and abrupt situation, there's a desperation of wanting more "life-changing moments" to happen so that in the circle of life somehow, we go back to where we started. No loss, no gain. But after all the tosses and turns, have we lived life at all? What then lies behind our existence if -when- truly, there is a God-given purpose for creating every single soul on this earth?

It's probably not for us to know, but to know God knows.

Hanging out with JA till late night on her birthday was the most gratifying. The endless talks and random outburst of laughs at seemingly inappropriate episodes was in fact well-timed and becoming. But I presume it's only because the one I'm with is Jia Ai and she brings out the genuine in me. No hesitation, and naturally. Happy birthday you, 19 years of life have seemed to serve you well hahaha, thank God yep! :)

PS, Tiramisu at Prego's yesterday was simply unforgettable. Haha the best I've ever had!

PSS, Oh right and Torres' hat trick tonight got me smiling to bits. I never lost faith in him and it's a wonder why, but is that really important? Nahhhh love you Fernando!! Heehee and Liverpool's win over Stoke, (Y) Suarez and Downing haha yipee!

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