Friday, November 11, 2011

It's like screaming & no one can hear.

Just gotta be thankful I'm already halfway through.

So much complaints, so much doubts. But who am I to decide if my efforts paid off or not? For one, I'm not even through with the A level exams. Secondly, I don't know the results yet. And most important of all, I'm not God. There I said it! One of the quotes I practically believe in with all my heart: none knows the weight of another's burden. Yet I know for sure, my God does. Call it an emotional tide or mental weariness, but I'm quite sure many things other than A LEVELS crossed my mind yesterday and altogether, made me enter into a state of trance. So while yesterday was as horrible as it gets, I'm picking myself up from today and onwards. Trust in God, that's all it takes for me to live. But I had to take it for granted, every single time. Guilty.

And in spite of all that, I know my God lives, and He lives in me.

I won't run out of my faith.

Another person to thank God for: TOHWUENLYNNIEWINIEMINNIE. So glad she asked me out in the afternoon before I wasted my whole afternoon away, haha. Well, time spent with her can never be wasted time :) Anyway, the rest of the day was filled with the usual heartwarming thingys that need no elaboration simply because ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. Hahaha serious, I guarantee we were annoying like crap because we laughed so much and so hard the people around us could just stare and wish they knew what was so funny. Throughout my 2 years in JC, I'm just glad to say I felt like we spent every moment together, hard times or easy ones. This is in spite of the fact that we are in two different schools, facing completely different problems and struggles. Our hearts though, are the same. :} CHEESY MUCH!

Anyway, food for thought: they say those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter. So why do we care so much when we know it's all pointless to those who don't care? 

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